Wednesday, January 2, 2013

3 Months

Today Hannah turned three months old. She is a very mellow baby. I actually feel like she doesn't do as much as my other babies did at her age because she is satisfied doing whatever most of the time. Like she can definitely roll over from her tummy to her back. But most of the time she just accepts tummy time and doesn't have an issue with it so she doesn't roll over all that often. Also if I put her on her back she mostly is just fine with being there and doesn't try too hard to roll over to her tummy (which as far as I know she cannot do yet). It will be interesting to see if she is really determined to move (crawling or walking) like the other two were or is a later walker. In general, she has a very sweet disposition and gives everyone lots of smiles. She will bat at the toys on her baby gym, though she does not have a great deal of interest in holding things yet. I do not know how much she weighs since her next doctor appointment isn't until four months, but she definitely is growing and eats very well and I think in length she could go up a size. However, I am holding off for now since Clara is in that size and I haven't figured out how I want to handle them both being in the same size yet. Plus though some of her pants are a bit short, her onesies are still okay so she isn't uncomfortable and I am think the size up would be a bit loose in the waist. But soon we probably will move her up. She hasn't grown out of her reflux yet, but hopefully that will happen in the next few months. She definitely becomes very uncomfortable if she doesn't get her medication on schedule. Since she can roll over at will, we will remove the nappers from the Pack 'N Plays soon for safety.

1 comment:

  1. Well it looks like the Apple does not fall far from the tree. You were very similar Meghan. Your sisters were much more active than you (understatement).
