Friday, January 25, 2013

A Big Deal over a Small Lump

The little bump on Clara's eyelid has been diagnosed as all of the following: a hemangioma, probably not a hemangioma, affecting her vision, and not affecting her vision. As you can see, there's been a bit of a conflicting information in the diagnoses.  The most recent "not affecting her vision" diagnosis came from probably the best pediatric ophthalmologist in KC, so we're going with that one.  To settle the debate on what it was, we were referred to the dermatology department of Children's Mercy Hospital, which should be the foremost authority in the area.  So today I brought Clara (my mom came along for the ride) for the appointment.  They confirmed it wasn't cancerous, which we didn't think it was, but it's good to know for sure, and they think it's likely to be a hemangioma, but without an ultrasound it's impossible to tell.  If it is in fact a hemangioma, it'll slowly go away and should be gone by the time she's 10.  If it's not, it'll just be a small mass on her eyelid that will stay the same size but could be removed at some point later in her life.  So that's good enough for us.  It's not cancerous or affecting her vision, so we'll just leave it alone and consider the case closed for now.  Here Clara enjoys the waiting room and struggles to resist the temptation to eat the crayons.

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