Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Muffin Tin Meal

Wednesdays are a night where I don't like to cook a big dinner, since it cuts into my errand time, so we often have pasta. But there are only so many ways to cook pasta and it isn't super great for you, so today I gave the kids muffin tin meals, which is a way to give them a little of several things. (I just put Clara's on a plate. She gets confused if I give her food in a deep bowl. And she pretty much refuses to eat after 6pm anyway unless it's rolls, but I still offer her dinner every night, but only a tiny amount since she never eats it and we can always give her more if she breaks tradition and decides to eat something. I may try to find a small mini-muffin tin for her). Some ladies get pretty creative with this, but I have not as of yet, though maybe sometime in the future. For dinner tonight we had tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, pita with hummus, carrots with ranch dip, and oranges. We grown-ups had ours in salad form. It worked for everyone.

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