Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rocks, Water, Mud, Sticks, and Ice Cream: A Perfect Day

This year Meghan and I decided we want to start having dedicated one-on-one time with the kids.  We think this is important for all families, but especially ones with multiple kids.  We'll always have three who are close in age, and we want to make sure each one of them has dedicated time with each parent just by themselves without their siblings.  We won't start with Hannah until she turns one, but we're going to start now with Clara and Joshua.  We decided today would be my turn with Joshua.  I thought, "What could we do together that he would love?"  I decided to take him to an area in southern Olathe that was near a park but was very nature-y and would have things he loves: dirt, trees, sticks, water, and rocks.  When we got there, we found a bonus item: hedgeapples.  Joshua loved throwing them as far as he could and poking them with sticks (they were squishy, maybe because they were rotting?).  We searched for quality sticks, played in the dirt and mud, threw rocks (and stick and leaves and dirt) into the water of the creek, and generally had a great time.  He didn't want to stop for his morning snack, so we skipped that, and he didn't even want lunch.  But that's mandatory, so he begrudgingly walked with me to the car, but he was happy to find that out lunch plan was Culver's, with their delicious burgers and some yummy ice cream.  It was a great day for him, but it was really special for me to get to have some time with just me and my little son.

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