Saturday, August 24, 2013

21 Months!

Today Clara turned 21 months old. I always say Hannah has seemed like a baby forever, but Clara is kind of the opposite. She seems much older in a lot of ways. She has had a good month and gained a full pound plus a quarter of an inch. She is 18 lbs, 10.5 oz and 30.5 inches tall. She has very big feelings at times and that can be a challenge, but she has also is very verbal so that has really helped. She is putting together three and four words now, which is definitely above average. She loves singing songs and playing with purses, phones, and remotes. Dolls follow closely. She is a pretty tough girl and tries her best to keep up with Joshua and so also likes climbing and jumping. She doesn't like crashing or rough play nearly as much as he does, though, which sometimes leads to issues. She definitely has a sense of humor and recently she has found a name for it and now frequently will laugh at something and then say, "Funny." She is very determined and persistent. She really understands how things work and "gets" people in a way I wouldn't have thought possible in a toddler. We love her so much and can't believe that she will be leaving toddler-hood behind in three short months.

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