Friday, April 19, 2013

Bedtime Routine

Getting the kids in bed at night is a little bit of a challenge, as it's always one parent and two kids.  Fortunately both kids are generally accommodating of the process.  Some nights are bath nights, but otherwise the routine is the same.  We put on Clara's jammies, then we go into the bathroom and brush teeth. Neither kid can do it themselves effectively, so I do it for them and then give them the opportunity to hold the toothbrush so they can do it a little bit on their own.  Then they get a "sip" of water which ends up being a long drink.  We then go to the comfy chair in Clara's room, and all read a book together.  I need to get a picture of that at some point, as it's cute that they both squeeze into the chair with me while I read them a book.  We then sing some songs.  A popular request from both is "Row Row Boat", which you can guess what that is.  We also sometimes sing the ABC song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me, This Little Light of Mine, and others. We then pray, and Clara goes to bed. Joshua and I then go to his room, change him into his jammies and give him a chance to use the potty, and then he goes to bed (with a blanket, Scout, and Broken Giraffe).  It's about a 30-minute process without the bath and closer to an hour with the bath.  I'm not sure how exactly it'll go once we add Hannah to the mix, but for now it's a pretty smooth process.

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