Thursday, April 11, 2013

Give Me An L

I am currently working on our hallway. It has just been totally bare the whole time we have lived here and now I am finally getting to decorating it. I got it painted since it was in terrible condition (though it's the same color. It was just the original paint of the house so it was in bad shape). The only other thing I have done so far is add this shelf to our stairwell. I am still working on what to put on the bottom shelf, but I am happy with how the 'L' came out (it does not have weird streaks on the bottom. That's the flash. But it does need another coat on the side before it's finished). Since this is kind of a K-State shelf, I wanted something purple, but I only found lettering I liked in black. So I spray painted it and am reasonably happy with the results. I do have a couple drips I am not happy about. I think I got a little too close. But they aren't noticeable unless you get close so I am trying to let it go.

1 comment:

  1. That's a cute idea to add a shelf to the stairwell. Lots of people put big last name initials on their front doors here, but I feel if we put an "A" for Abs people will think it stands University of Alabama so I don't think I will do that. :)
