I travel with my camera on every business trip, mostly so I can take pictures for this blog. I've had that camera with me for literally hundreds of flights and cab rides and shuttles rides. I nearly lost it last year, and since then I decided to write my phone number on it, so if I lost it and it was found by someone who wanted to return it, they'd be able to do so. I used a silver paint marker, but each time the writing would get rubbed off just from normal usage and handling. I'd mentioned this to Meghan, and she suggested coating over the numbers with clear nail polish. I decided to do that, but we didn't have any clear nail polish. She then bought some for me during her grocery shopping, and I had it ready to apply after a recent trip I took. Unfortunately it was on that trip (or in the days right after) that I lost my camera. I was days away from permanently applying my phone number to it, and now it's gone. Maybe I'll find it some day, or maybe it's gone forever. I have no idea where it is. So I gave up and bought a new camera, and it arrived today. This one doesn't really have a good place to write my phone number, so I'm looking into other options such as engraving (which would be small enough to fit in the available space). But I'll certainly have something on it to prevent this from happening again.
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