Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Souvenir Cup Someone Actually Wants

Jason went to Manhattan last weekend. While he was at the game, Kirk got them some drinks. It was a choice between a tiny paper cup or the very large "souvenir" cup so they went with the latter. Normally at events, the souvenir cup isn't really anything you are excited about. It's just a way for the snack stand to charge more for an already overpriced pop. Then you bring it home and you put it with your vast collection of cheap cups you rarely use and probably eventually trash it. This was totally the plan for this cup until Joshua saw it. He loves this cup. Whenever I get him water he now says, "Big Cup" because he wants to drink out of it. (He also wants to drink his milk out of it, but due to increased odds of spilling, only water is allowed in the big cup). Then he looks at it and says "Powercat", "K-State", and then "More Powercat". It has made hydration an incredibly exciting event in his life and I am pretty sure it's the most loved souvenir cup ever.

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