Saturday, February 9, 2013

Making Progress

We moved into this house over a year ago and getting things the way I want them is a slow process since it often isn't my number one priority. However, I recently finally tackled the master bedroom and now the master bath. These were not major projects, but just a matter of putting a few decor items up and things like that, so it was well worth my time because it makes our house feel much more organized and homier and also since those two rooms are connected, but different colors, it now makes things feel more coordinated. Here I am with some wall-hangings (which are from our old house, but in new frames. I have no idea why I wait so long on these things that only take a very short amount of time) that I recently hung up. I am excited to have these two rooms done. Well actually we are still looking for something to hang in one spot in the bathroom as neither of us are crazy about what's there now. But we do have something there that works now so I am not putting other things on hold while we figure it out. I want to next get some stuff on the wall in the hallway and then I may be done for awhile. Though with three kids always growing, room refreshes (or redos depending on the kid) never seem too far away. I hope to move Clara to her big-girl bed soon, but luckily that is a super tiny room refesh so shouldn't require any purchases and just an hour or two.