Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hannah was still showing some symptoms of the flu, so we decided it would be best not to bring her to church and into the nursery.  So Meghan stayed home with her, and I took Joshua and Clara to church with me.  Afterward, I thought it would be fun for us to go out to lunch.  I'm a fan of diner-like restaurants and also of cheap breakfast food.  And there's no place those two things come together quite like a Waffle House.  So after church I drove us to the nearest location.  The kids did really well, and it's apparently a fact that they absolutely love waffles.  They don't even need syrup.  With light butter, they both chowed down more waffles than one would expect they could eat.  I had some blueberry waffles (with syrup), but after they finished off all of theirs and wanted more, I shared mine with them.  The kids were also recipients of some cool hats/coupons.  I say that because they had "FREE WAFFLE" written on them, and you can bring them back and redeem them. Weird.  Waffle House is the kind of place with the restroom right by a booth and with large "No Smoking" placards, but I'm happy with that.  They also don't do "fancy" breakfast things like flavored syrups or juice other than OJ, like IHOP or Denny's might do, and I'm fine with that too.  Give me some low-priced waffles, eggs, and maybe some bacon and a little OJ, and I'm happy.  And so are the kids.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone makes fun of Waffle House and thinks it's ghetto, but Sam and I both love it!
