Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Tuesday

I had a family night planned around Mardi Gras, but we still weren't feeling the best today, so a lot of my planned activities went by the wayside. One of the things that I did still do was make some colorful playdough (I didn't have blue or purple coloring, so we only did two of the three Mardi Gras colors) for Joshua. He really loves playdough. It's definitely one of his favorite things to do while Clara naps and sometimes he asks to do it twice a day. I have only recently been making my own. I didn't really have a problem with store-bought, until I wanted white for our winter unit we did last month. And then I realized how much nicer the texture is and it's also super easy. So I have decide to make it going forward. It seems to last for quite awhile in a baggie on the counter, but I don't know how long because our colors get mixed before it wears out. Today I gave Joshua some toothpicks to play with too (they are a little sharp, but I felt okay about it) and he really enjoyed that and asked for "more sticks", though I declined to give him more.

1 comment:

  1. My playdough recipe that I made for you girls said to put it in a baggie and then refrigerate when not in use. You are right - the texture is so much nicer and it lasts for quite a while. It also is not harmful if swallowed.
