Wednesday, May 29, 2013

18 Months!

Clara turned 18 months old this past Friday. I planned to take her 18-month picture in Florida and packed the sticker, but unfortunately it disappeared sometime on the trip and we haven't seen it since. We also didn't end up having time to do the picture, so we delayed it until today. Clara is very active right now and very independent so it is pretty hard to get her to pose for pictures. Joshua was like that at 15 months which is why his picture looked like this. So these aren't the best posed pictures, but I think they show where she is in her development. She has gotten so verbal and has so many words. She will string together two words to make a phrase, but I am not sure if she is really doing that or just copying what she hears Joshua do. She wants to do everything Joshua does and will get irate if you don't give her the exact same food as him, even if she hates it. She has recently learned to say, "mine" and, being fairly possessive, has put this new word to good use. You can see her explaining that her toy is "mine" in the picture on the right. She has developed a little sense of humor and she cracks her self up. She loves her siblings. Hannah she just adores and tries to take care of her and pick her up (luckily Hannah is only a pound or two lighter than Clara so this isn't actually a danger due to it being impossible). Joshua she loves and they have so much fun together and she wants to be just like him.

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