Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the last thing I want to do is cook dinner. I typically do the bulk of my food preparation on this day which means I spend a lot of time on my feet cooking and don't really want the additional work of trying to figure out something for an evening meal. We have often done pizza, but we just had pizza for Clara's birthday and it's so heavy and Thanksgiving is also quite heavy so it didn't sound good. When I was at Hen House today, I noticed that on Wednesdays their sushi is $5 a package, so I decided that would be a great dinner. I got California rolls for the kids and a combination for Jason and I and, though it's not as good as you would get at most sushi restaurants, it was pretty good and a nice light dinner. The only disappointment was that they only had rolls made with brown rice when I was there and I definitely prefer white rice, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

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