Saturday, November 16, 2013

Waffles, Wind, and Wandering

Today was a date day for me and Clara.  We started off by going to Waffle House for brunch.  Clara doesn't eat many things, which is partially why she's so tiny, but she does like waffles.  She ended up eating about half of her really big waffle.

Clara usually doesn't like to be strapped in the car seat, especially in my car, for whatever reason.  To make it easier for her, I let her bring her baby doll (which is actually Hannah's) and a couple balls.  We then went to Home Depot where she mostly did a good job of walking around with me without trying to run away.  She especially enjoyed the open lawn and garden area.

We stopped by CVS to pick up some photos we'd ordered, and there's a weird gazebo and open area next to the parking lot, so I decided we should go explore it.  It's a super windy day today, and most of the leaves have fallen from the trees, so Clara enjoyed running in the open grassy area through the leaves.  We then went to the park by our house, where they have playground equipment recommended for kids 5 and up.  Little 1-year-old Clara thought that limit was stupid, and she climbed right up the tall slide and excitedly went down, and then repeated the process many times.  We then walked down the path, stopping to be amazed as we rolled a ball downhill, only to watch the wind catch it, and roll it uphill right back to us.  Among the balls I had brought was a beach ball, but I intentionally left that one in the car, as it would have blown into the next neighborhood.  Clara wandered around the grassy area for awhile before deciding the playground was better, so we went back over to there for the rest of our time.  We were wearing our K-State stuff because today is game day.  Later in the afternoon we beat TCU in a thrilling game.  So it's been an all-around great day for me, and hopefully for Clara too.

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