Thursday, November 7, 2013

Scary Mouse

Today we went on a walk outside and were having a good time. We saw a caterpillar, which Joshua was super excited about.
We were happily continuing on our walk, when I saw a dead cat lying on the grass. I was totally surprised and gasped. I was also traumatized, because how sad! Plus, it was right by the school, so it seems like the potential for trauma to children was also high. I assume someone hit it with their car and the force caused it to end up in the grass by the sidewalk. Joshua noticed I gasped and asked about the "scary mouse" (I don't know why. It was a full-sized cat) and asked if we could touch it. I said no and kept walking and also called animal control. Seriously, if you hit a cat, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't texting and that cat came out of nowhere in the dark (it was a black cat), but you need to call someone about that, not just leave it lying right by the school.

Later, after we got home, Joshua got one of our super flat stuffed animal dog toy squirrels that has been well-loved by Terrence and played "scary mouse" for awhile.

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