Monday, June 10, 2013

Getting an EGD

Clara is still quite short for her age and very light for her age. The pediatrician recommended that we have her evaluated to see if there were any specific treatable health issues that were causing this. We've been to several appointments for several different tests with several different specialists. So far, nothing significant has been found. Today was the last planned test. I took her in to see a gastroenterologist to get an esophagogastroduodenoscopy.  Yes, that's a 26-letter word.  Basically they stuck a cable with a camera down her throat to view her insides and to collect tissue for a biopsy.  They used Propofol to put her under, which is now famous for being the drug that Michael Jackson's doctor misused resulting in the singer's death.  Our doctors were good, so everything went well.  When she woke up, they gave her water and snacks since she had been fasting since the night before.  This is what I saw when I first walked in to her recovery room.  The doctor said he didn't see anything abnormal but that the results of the biopsy would tell the full story.

Later in the evening Joshua got a hold of a container of floss and pulled a bunch out. Not wanting to waste it, I started flossing my teeth, and Joshua and Clara joined me in a floss-fest.

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