Friday, June 7, 2013

Kansas + Ar

This morning was Joshua's last time for soccer during this session.  We missed two due to our Florida trip, but fortunately we were able to go today to be there for the last one.  Saturday is our actual class, but on the days we couldn't make it this season, we subbed as part of Friday's class, which is what we did today for the third time this season.  Coach Sean is the coach on Fridays, so here he leads Joshua and his teammates in a team cheer ("Go soccer team!) at the end of the session.  Afterward Jason took Joshua to find Coach Amy, his normal Saturday coach, to say good-bye. Joshua has made some good progress in things like learning to follow directions and play some different games and walk backwards that will all help in enjoy sports when he gets a little older. We aren't enrolling him in the summer session, but we definitely plan to do it again in the fall or winter.

After soccer, we ate some lunch and got ready to go out of town for the weekend. I wanted to take the kids on a trip that resembled camping and was nature-oriented, but I don't feel we can do tent camping until our kids fall asleep without crying at the least. Plus I have to think about if I want to sleep outside. So I settled on renting a cabin and looked for places that weren't too far and found a good option in Arkansas. After Florida, packing and loading seemed like a breeze. And because we were leaving later in the day, we dropped the dogs off on our way out of town, which was not the most enjoyable twenty minutes of my life. That's a lot of pug really close to me, but there is no where else for them to go, so we made it work.

Then we were off to Arkansas. We had thought about doing some scenic driving, but we decided not to so we had plenty of time for soccer so we just drove straight there. Our destination was Devil's Den State Park, which is about thirty minutes from Fayetteville and only four hours from our house. There are a lot of interesting outdoor options in Arkansas that we might explore in the future, but for this trip I chose the one closest to our house. We arrived in Arkansas in time to unpack before dinner and then Jason grilled. We enjoyed the cabin's outdoor area as there were lots of rocks to climb on. So both Joshua and Clara were pretty much in kid-heaven.

1 comment:

  1. I see Joshua is wearing the shirt his Aunt Josie and Uncle Kirk got him :-)
