Tuesday, June 11, 2013


This week I am volunteering at our church's vacation bible school. Because I am not really a big fan of hanging out with other people's kids, I am working in adult snacks. You might be thinking "Adults get snacks?" Yes. Not only is this not your mom or grandma's VBS, this probably isn't really even your VBS from when you were a kid. This is a huge production with 300 volunteers and 700 kids. So there are separate kids and adult snacks. The team leader did a great job planning the menu and each day has a theme. Today was breakfast food, though some food like the meat and cheese tray I am working on and the fruit the lady beside me is working on, are consistent every day. (I can totally see despite the hair covering my face. I didn't want to touch my hair while I was preparing food so I didn't move it out of my face, but it didn't make for a very good picture). Since my kids are too young for VBS (which is for kids aged four through sixth grade), they are in nursery care, which is only for the kids of volunteers. Joshua is old enough that he has some actual programming, such as the craft he made yesterday which you can see in the picture.

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