Monday, September 2, 2013

11 Months!

Though it seems like I just wrote the post for Hannah turning ten months old a few days ago, somehow she is eleven months already. These photos were very difficult to get because Hannah has decided sitting still is completely stupid. She doesn't walk or cruise yet, but she definitely is very mobile and enjoys pulling up on anything she can. I don't think she'll walk by her first birthday, but it's not impossible. She has also recently said her first unprompted word which is "Go". I often tell the dogs to "go" when I want them to get outside and I also sometimes tell the kids to go if I have to tell them a second time to go upstairs for bed or whatever, so Hannah has been repeating that a lot. I am pretty sure she also has said "stop", which it is sort of unfortunate why she knows that one since I think it's because Terrence is obsessed with licking babies and we are always telling him to stop when he tries to lick her. She also understands more and more of what we say. She gets upset when I tell her it's bedtime even if we are still downstairs (she hates sleeping) and tries to get laughs with gestures and throwing food. I try very hard not to give her the laugh on the food-throwing since that is not something I want to encourage. I really can't believe she will be one year old next month, though in a way it feels like she has been here forever.

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