Friday, September 13, 2013

Waiting for Kibbles

Terrence and Natalie are decently smart dogs.  They're not morons, but they're also not going to win any spelling bees anytime soon.  When we got them as puppies, we took them to a dog training class at PetSmart.  Terrence did reasonably well, and he learned to sit, stay, and lay down based on hand signals alone.  Natalie never learned to lay down from a hand signal, but I think it was because we didn't complete all the sessions.  Anyway, that's about the extent of the "tricks" that they can do, with the exception of one that I decided to teach them, which was to wait to eat their food until I tell them it's okay.  They get fed three times a day (at breakfast, early evening, and late evening), and after I put their bowl of food in it's normal spot (they eat on opposite sides of the island to avoid fights over their food), I say "Wait!" and they will then wait to eat.  I vary the amount of time so they have to wait for my verbal okay, not knowing how long it will be.  Sometimes it's a second or two, and sometimes it's maybe fifteen or twenty seconds.  While they wait, Terrence will almost always look at me, partially pleading for me to let him eat, and partially staring a me scornfully for torturing him.  Natalie will almost always just stare straight down at her bowl.  After whatever period of time I decide on, I say "Okay!" and then they chow down.  Terrence usually has his bowl empty in a matter of seconds, while Natalie takes her sweet time, making Terrence seriously consider trying to steal what's left in her bowl from her.  Incidentally, Meghan never makes them wait, so they'll start eating the second the filled bowl is in front of their face, but they know I'll make them wait every time.  Here they are this morning patiently waiting for their tasty breakfast.

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