Today I somehow turned 35 even though it really feels like I just graduated college a few years ago. I had a really nice day. In the morning, Jason took Clara and Joshua to Olathe's Parents as Teachers Art Day so I was able to get some things done around the house. It's very easy when I just have Hannah because she likes following me around, which doesn't take a lot of effort on my part and it also means she is easy to supervise, as opposed to my other children who are more into running from me.

After the kids got home, we had some lunch and then we had family birthday time. Jason got me a tres leches cake from a nearby Hispanic bakery. We had really enjoyed it in Puerto Rico and he thought it would be fun to have it again. It was a really sweet thought. Unfortunately the cake was awful. Even Joshua wasn't loving it and Joshua is something of a cake fiend. It mostly tasted like milk (sidenote -- I hate milk) so maybe they forgot the all important sweetened condensed milk, not sure. Though it was not the best cake ever, I really enjoyed celebrating my birthday with my kids. I got something I really wanted.
This is a terrible picture. But I really wanted a three-stone pendant. I had wanted it for our anniversary, but then we didn't do big gifts so I thought I probably wouldn't get it so I was really happy to receive it for my birthday. I love it.
After the kids' naps, Jason and I went out for date night. We went to La Bodega and then went for ice cream at my favorite place. We had a lot of fun and I had a super great birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday! It's crazy how we're actually in our 30's isn't it? I still kinda think I'm 21 except when I think about how excited I get about things like appliances and sleeping in. I don't know if you wanted the 3 stones to signify your 3 babies but no matter what it's really beautiful pendant. And I love La Bodega - that was one of my favorite places in KC and while we have tapas places out here I don't seem to like them as much as La Bodega. That's a great picture of you two.