Saturday, March 2, 2013

Basic Instinct

Our pets may be cute, but they're not known for their intelligence.  Alex, in particular, is afflicted with a condition known as Cat Brain.  Sadly, all cats suffer from this malady, as they have tiny skulls which limit the size of their brains.  For Alex, usually this only manifests itself in the simple existence of following his basic desires of getting food and water and getting petted.  Yet, as a cat, he has the constant pull of curiosity daring him to try new things and explore new places.  Today his cat-ness nearly doomed him.  The balusters for the stairs that go to our top floor are inset by just a couple inches from the edge of the stairs.  This leaves a tiny, narrow strip that no human could walk on, but it's just right for tempting a cat with poor judgement.  This wouldn't be so bad, except the pathway ends at the top stair, and while it's wide enough for him to walk up, it's not wide enough for him to turn around.  And at that point he can't fit between the balusters, he can't jump up over the railing, and it's a very long drop down to the floor.  So naturally today he couldn't resist walking up there, and of course he was then totally stuck with nowhere to go.  Joshua was actually the one to alert me to this, as he noticed Alex up there and declared it to me to be "Danjuss!".  I came over to see what was so dangerous and saw Alex and his mountain goat adventure that had gone awry.  I rescued him and told him to not be so adventurous next time.  I hoped he learned a valuable lesson.  Did he?  Not so much.  Later in the afternoon, what did I discover?  Alex stuck up there in the exact same spot.  Sigh...  At least he's cute.   

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