Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bubbles and Towers = A Great Soccer Day

Joshua's actual soccer timeslot is on Saturday morning.  For the first two Saturdays we were unavailable during that time, so we had to do a make-up session on the following Friday.  Yesterday we made up for last Saturday, so we're now back on schedule, and so this morning was our second morning in a row.  Today they did two new things.  First, the coach did bubbles.  Joshua loved this.  A lot.  It's been awhile since we've done bubbles with him, but I guess we should do it again.  In the picture above, it looks like he's not participating, but he had just popped a bubble at waist-level.  But click on the picture to enlarge it and look at the sheer joy on his face.  He was more excited than any other kid and screamed/grunted with joy each time another round of bubbles was released, causing the other parents in attendance to giggle at his excitement, as it was really cute.  Then we did another one of his favorite activities: building towers.  Using the cones and the "discs", they were encouraged to build towers.  Joshua, as an accomplished tower builder had no problems with this and built the tallest tower in the class.  I'm not sure these activities increased his soccer skills, but as long as he's that happy, I'm fine with it.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I love the bubble picture. Looks like he had a lot of fun!
