Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Way Back Wednesday: Baby Terrence

When Meghan and I were dating we decided we wanted to get a dog.  Meghan lived in her apartment in Olathe and I lived with Mom and Ron in Lawrence, so the dog was going to have to stay with her.  So we needed a breed that was good in apartments, which meant a dog that didn't bark a lot (no chihuahuas) and a dog that didn't need a lot of exercise (no greyhounds), and we also didn't want a dog that would die after eight years (sorry, bulldogs).  In the end we decided a pug was the right breed for us.  In October 2002 we found a breeder we liked, and we narrowed down our name options to a few names but hadn't yet decided as we left to go pick him up.  In was a Saturday in the fall, and a K-State football game was on the radio as we drove.  That was when Terence Newman played for K-State, and the announcers mentioned him on a play, and I suggested to Meghan that we ditch all of our possible names and instead name him Terence.  She agreed, and so by the time we got there, he had a name, although we decided to change the spelling to Terrence.  We immediately went out and bought him a purple collar, leash, and harness.  Though not everyone agreed, we thought he was adorable with his buggy eyes and floppy ears.  We loved having him as our little dog, even if he wasn't great as an assistant proposer.  Here are some of the pictures we took of Terrence in the first few months.  And no, I didn't actually let him drink my beer (though it's good to see I was drinking Boulevard even back then).  He's just always had a natural attraction to it, and this was one of his first sniffs of it.  Normally I would crop some of these pictures a little closer (you can click on them to see larger versions), but it's fun for Meghan and I to see the background and items in her apartment (Phonebooks?  Corded phones?  Really?).

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