Friday, March 22, 2013

The Beginning of Organized Sports

Today was a day I've been very excited about it, though more for what it represents than the actual activity itself.  We signed Joshua up for soccer, and today was the first day.  I loved playing sports growing up (and still do when I have the opportunity), and soccer was definitely my favorite.  I hope all of our kids play sports, but Joshua is the oldest, so he's the closest to being ready.  And given that his proclivity for sports is already apparent, I think there's a good chance he'll enjoy them and play them.  I look forward to watching him learn different sports, but I'm especially excited about soccer, which is why today was so fun.  It was pretty basic stuff, of course, since they were two-year-old kids.  They did some stretching and games (Red Light Green Light) and did some work with the actual balls, both soccer balls and bigger inflatable balls.  Joshua's favorite activity was when they were encouraged to kick the balls at the cones to knock them over.  He thought it was awesome that he could cause destruction by kicking a ball.  He had fun, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming sessions.  Afterward we stopped by Christa's to get his hair cut since he was getting a little shaggy.  Here he is being as Christa described "my best-behaved customer" and then showing off his new 'do as we got in the car to head home.

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