Monday, July 22, 2013

A Room Of Her Own

My original sleep plan with Hannah was to move her into Clara's room around 6-ish months. That didn't happen, mostly because Clara sleeps a lot and, though Hannah has slept through the night for a very long time now, that doesn't mean she sleeps as long as Clara. And Clara is pretty much a nightmare when she doesn't get enough sleep so I am pretty hesitant to jeopardize her sleep in any way. So then Plan B was that closer to when she turned one, Hannah would be sleeping longer and then we could move her in there. Now I realize that isn't going to happen either. Hannah sleeps maybe ten hours a night at most and only naps two or maybe three hours in the afternoon. That is way less than Clara. In the meantime, Hannah has been sleeping in her Pack 'n Play in the living room which actually works pretty well except if she sees a grown-up awake at bedtime and then she wants to hang out. So I decided that for now I am going to put her in the guest room and get her used to sleeping in the crib in a non-public room. In a couple weeks (before my sister comes to stay with us), I am going to move her in with Joshua. Joshua doesn't need that much sleep anymore so their schedules are really similar. I think that it will work really well. I still plan to eventually have Hannah and Clara share due to gender, but I am not sure when. It will depend when Clara drops her naps. In the meantime, Hannah is not exactly thrilled with anything involving sleep because she wants to stay up and hang out, not take a boring nap (or go to boring bed). But she seems just as fine with it as she did the Pack 'n Play and didn't have any problem falling asleep.

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