Monday, July 15, 2013

Movie Night

Since I want us to have a fun time even though Jason is away, one thing I thought the kids might enjoy is watching some movies. We have done three over the course of several days: Shrek, Cars, and Despicable Me. Shrek wasn't part of my plan, but then I realized we inexplicably own it. Maybe Jason remembers why because I vaguely remember that I used to have a life with enough free time to watch the occasional movie, but I am not sure we have ever watched any non-holiday movie more than once and I have no idea why we would buy a movie, much less an animated one. The kids didn't like Cars and did enjoy Shrek, but Despicable Me was definitely their favorite as well as mine and that's the one we did tonight. We also got Papa John's, which had a meal deal. I need that because Clara can't have dairy so gets breadsticks, Joshua prefers pizza, and Hannah loves chicken so it worked out really well and we had a fun evening.


  1. That sounds like a fun night and Papa John's always makes things better :) I want to see Despicable Me- I've heard it's good from a lot of people. Is that picture above the fireplace new (well, new since I was there)? It looks nice.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's new. We like it, especially in that room with the other greens. I really enjoyed Despicable Me. If I didn't have kids I am not sure I would watch it because there are so many movies, but if you are choosing something for family gatherings or all ages, I think it's a good one and enjoyable for adults and kids. And nothing scary or too rude or too sad. Like I thought about some other Disney movies, but I didn't want my kids to see any movie with a dead parent so that ruled out a lot of them.

  2. You own Shrek because I gave you my copy several years ago. So I'm glad you all got to enjoy it :)

    1. Ha, I knew there had to be some sort of explanation other than I just saw it at target and put it in my cart. The kids definitely liked it, so we made good use of it eventually. Joshua liked talking about how Shrek was crabby.
