Thursday, July 25, 2013

Deanna Rose Day

Today was not quite as beautiful as yesterday because we are expecting rain so it was a little sticky, but it was still pretty moderate outside so I decided we should go out and enjoy it. We hadn't yet been to Deanna Rose this year, which is one of the very best things for little kids this area has to offer and it's free, so I decided we should go. We had a lot of fun.

We started out at one of the little-kid playgrounds. But Joshua saw the sand pit and was immediately more interested in that. They had built-in diggers that were quite hard for a toddler to use (probably more geared towards elementary kids), but he was able to do it with help and he loved it. Clara hates sand and she wasn't too sure about this playground thing so at first she stayed in the stroller, but later she decided to play. She stayed far away from the sand the whole time. That girl hates sand. Hannah stayed in the stroller, but I guess the heat motivated her to drink some water because this is the first time ever she has been willing to drink out of anything besides a bottle, which has been super infuriating. I am not sure if it makes me feel any better now that I know it was just because she didn't want to, but at least I feel better about removing all bottles from her life in a month or two.

Next we looked at some animals. Because I am not a kid, I prefer not to actually feed them, but Joshua really wanted to so we fed the goats. I would have liked to take him in the goat pen, but I can't take a stroller in there so it wasn't really feasible and he got scared at how much they wanted the food so he was probably happier with a fence between him and the goats anyhow. We also saw various other farm animals, including bison. We enjoyed walking around in the butterfly garden too, and there were several butterflies there. They were the yellow ones, so nothing really exotic, but the kids were excited anyhow. I had never walked through that area before and there were some cute little features that were great for little kids like bridges and windows.

I had really wanted to do the pedal tractors because I was curious what Joshua would do with those. But it was getting close to lunch and we were all kind of hot so I decided to save that for another time. So we called it a day and got some sno-cones which, besides being totally delicious, are also dairy free. Since I try to avoid my car being totally trashed, I got them vanilla. They definitely got it all over their clothes, but I think it wasn't on the carseats all that much. (Or if it was, I couldn't see it. It's the beauty of vanilla) It was a fun day and I definitely want to go back next time we have another temperate day.

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