Thursday, October 24, 2013

Enchanted Forest

 Last year, we went to Deanna Rose as a fun pre-Halloween activity with Grandma and Grandpa. We had fun, but it is $8/person for anyone one or over so that would be a substantial investment for us this year and we didn't think it was *that* fun. So we decided to try The Enchanted Forest, which the city of Lenexa puts on for free. This year the kids are a baseball player, referee, and cheerleader. There were some other options I was personally more excited about, but Joshua is old enough to be excited about it now, so I went with the thing I thought he would love most.
Grandma and Grandpa again were able to come with the kids and we all went to Sar-Ko-Par park. 
The parking was a bit tricky and it was a little cold, but we had a really good time and this is perfect for little kids. We didn't even do the add-ons like hayride and bounce house this year because the shiny lights and atmosphere were enough for our kids at this age. I think we will definitely do it again in future years.

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