Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Very Tolerant Kitty

Since we had our pets well before kids, they aren't really family pets. They are more like Jason and my pets who tolerate our children. The degree of tolerance really varies per animal and situation, but a surprise has been that Alex is surprisingly tolerant of our children despite starting his life as a kitty who bit everyone all the time. He has really become very affectionate over time to Jason and I and he has never bit the kids, which as you can see is pretty impressive restraint. The kids all really love him, probably because unlike the dogs he stays upstairs and away from them when possible so they are really excited when he makes an appearance and want to hug him and hold him. Don't worry, shortly after this photo was taken, we told Clara she had to say "bye bye" to Alex and he retreated safely to the other side of the gate.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kind of like Michelle when she was very little. ha

  3. Bahahahahaha! This made me crack up. I have so many similar pics of my kids with our pets in these situations. But those r great! Alex is almost as big as Clara.
