Monday, December 23, 2013

I See Christmas Everywhere!

This year our trip out to look at lights was a little colder than in years past.  With temperatures near 0 degrees, we were happy that this is an activity that involves staying in a heated car the entire time.  We bundled up the kids and headed out.  We don't necessarily have a definite plan, but we usually try to see Christmas Card Lane and then randomly drive around looking for neighborhoods that seem to have a lot of lights.  We also stopped by Deanna Rose, as they had a light show that coordinated with the music on a specified dedicated station on the radio.

This year Joshua is much more aware of Christmas things than he was last year, and although we're certainly working with him on what Christmas means, he's still a little hazy on the details.  For him, anything Christmas-related falls under the category and term of "Christmas".  This includes Christmas trees and Christmas lights.  He's also very excitable, and is particularly excited by both lights and Christmas.  So when he would see lights out his window, he'd excitedly shout "I see Christmas!", and then as he saw more lights, "I see more Christmas!" and then after more lights "I see Christmas everywhere!!!".  He did this for much of the drive tonight.  It was really cute.  Clara's focus was on snowmen.  She saw one inflated snowman and then demanded that we find more snowmen, which was a challenge.  Fortunately we found a couple on our street as we headed to our house.  Hannah, as usual, was completely silent in the back seat except for a few giggles when Joshua was being silly with her, so it's hard to know what she thought or if she was even looking at the lights.  All three kids stayed awake the whole time, even though we didn't get home until well after their bedtime, and they did really well, so I think it was a successful evening.

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