Friday, December 20, 2013

Fun at Little Monkey Bizness

I had planned to have my date day with Joshua tomorrow, but we are supposed to get ice and I hate driving in anything like that so I decided to do it tonight instead. First we went to dinner. Before we went, Joshua said he wanted tacos, so I decided Chili's would work. There was a short wait, but he pretty happily read his farm book the whole time. When we sat down, he decided he wanted mac and cheese instead. He seemed to really enjoy it, though I always feel a little ripped off when I pay $6 for a meal that consists largely of Kraft Mac and Cheese.

After dinner, we went to Little Monkey Bizness in Shawnee. It's basically an indoor play area. It's the kind of place that other people take their toddlers, but I usually don't because with three I have to get $20 worth of fun out of it, which is not going to happen before someone gets bored, tired, or hungry. It's also hard to watch three kids at once, though this place was a lot more manageable in size than some places that are geared towards bigger kids. With only one kid and because there was a Friday night special, it was around $6, and we definitely got our money's worth out of it. Joshua really enjoyed climbing on the equipment, bouncing in the bounce house, throwing the large blocks, and playing with a ball. It was not very crowded, which was nice. Joshua seemed to really enjoy himself and we had a fun evening out.

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