Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Facial Hair Is Not For Me

I'm not a hairy guy.  Which is good, because I like Meghan, and she doesn't like hairy guys.  I couldn't grow a real beard if I want to.  There have been a few times where I didn't shave for awhile, and my cheeks ended up with not much more than sparse hairs.  It's just not meant to be.  But that's okay,  Since my car has been in the shop for a week or so, I've been working from home most days, and that combined with laziness meant I didn't shave for several days in a row.  I think Meghan wasn't terribly pleased with this, but she didn't complain.  Today, though, I decided enough was enough, and I shaved.  I wish I had taken a "before" picture to show the full scraggly glory of my "beard", but I didn't.  For fun, though, I started by just shaving it down to a goatee.  Here it is in this picture, though you can't see it well because of the shadows.  Okay, that's not really true.  You mostly can't see it well because there's barely anything there.  And this is after something like four days of growth.  I showed it to Meghan, and she actually said it didn't look too bad.  I expected her to hate it, so I guess that's good.  Still, I'm not going to do this permanently, because I don't really like the look.

Before I shaved it completely off, I decided to try a mustache, just for comedy's sake.  There are people that can pull this off, I suppose, but I'm not one of them, and nor do I want to be one of them.  Meghan was decidedly less enthused by this variant, not surprisingly.  I moved into better light, so at least this time you can see it better.  Oh wait, no, no you can't, because there's still hardly anything there.  But what is there is unacceptable because it's a weird mustache.  So off it went, and I spent today with my appearance as it should be: free of facial hair.

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