Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our Top 10 Posts: The Year in Review

From Meghan:

Every year it is very difficult to narrow it down to my favorite posts. It always seems like there are so many good ones. To start with, I had to exclude the trip posts because I love going on trips so much that those would take up all of my posts otherwise. But we got to go to a lot of fun places this year, which was a nice change because last year we only went on a two day trip to Omaha because I was so ridiculously sick, and not going on trips makes me really crabby. We probably can't reasonably go on this many every year, but I wouldn't be sad if we did. We had such a great time both as a family and also Jason and I got not one, but two amazing couples trips that were just so nice and fun.

Beyond that, it is still hard to choose just a few posts, but I have done my best, in chronological order:
  • Delayed First Photo (1/16/13): The photo really isn't the main thing about this post. I mean it's nice, but the main excitement of this day was that they came over to tell us they were expecting. We have been so happy for them to start their family with sweet baby Benjamin and so excited for our kids to have a cousin.
  • Deanna Rose Day (7/25/13): There is nothing particularly awesome about this specific time at Deanna Rose, but we had a really fun summer and went to Deanna Rose several times and the park a lot too and we just had such a warm, relaxing and fun few months, that I love thinking about the whole season and this post brings it all back.
  • Goodbye for Now (8/21/13): Being able to meet Eamonn and most of his family was definitely a highlight this year. I am so happy we were able to spend some time with them before their big move and I am so glad Joshua will have that connection as he grows up.
  • First Day (9/3/13): This was one of our happiest days of the year because we found Alex. Alex is totally the biggest jerk, though he doesn't bite that much anymore except at the vet. But we love him anyway and we were so sad when he was gone. Joshua started school too, which is not quite as happy because I hate to think he won't be my little kid at home forever, but he loves school and has done really well so far so it overall is also a good thing and we plan for Clara to go next year too.
  • Fun at Antioch Park (9/14/13): This was such a fun date day with Clara for me. She had so much fun being able to just do whatever she wanted and go anywhere and run and jump and climb and she wasn't limited by anyone else and it was a beautiful day at a nice park.
  • Sisterly Love (9/22/13):  My kids are all really close so far, which I love. I love this picture because it shows Hannah and Clara hanging out, but also the sheer joy on Clara's face as she tackles Hannah is adorable.
  • Hands Off My Mike (9/23/13): The first year isn't particularly my favorite. I enjoy it, especially after the first three months,but I think the toddler and preschool years are more enjoyable to parent. Even so, there is something super special about watching your tiny baby become a person with interests and preferences. I love this post because it's Hannah exploring her world and being excited about the results.
  • Happy Thanksgiving! (11/28/13): I love Thanksgiving. It's really one of my favorite holidays. And it really just amazes us all the time how richly we have been blessed. Having my kids and husband and pets all together in our wonderful home on this day just makes me realize how much I love my life.
  • Happy Birthday Jesus (12/17/13): Joshua's Christmas program itself was very short and Joshua refused to sing for much of it, but I love this post because in the first picture he's so proud of himself and it's just so adorable I can barely stand it.
  • Culinary Adventures (12/29/13): I love this post because it shows the helping phase Joshua is in really well. I love that he wants to help me with everything and is so excited to help me cook and be involved. He is excited to try anything we chop or cook, even things like jalapenos or raw onion or bread dough. It can be frustrating sometimes and there are certainly times I have to tell him to get down because he is just touching every thing and I need him not to get his fingers out of my eggs. But I love him chopping vegetables and stirring pancake batter with me.
This year has been wonderful and I am very excited to see what 2014 has in store!

From Jason:

As with previous years, I let Meghan do her list and tell me how many she did so I could match it.  As it was last year, the number this year was 10.  (It was 5 in 2010 and 7 in 2011.)  And like last year, it was still hard to narrow it down.  When we make these lists, we each do our own list separately, so it's interesting to see if there is overlap.  In 2010 we matched 1 of 5.  In 2011 we matched 1 of 7.  Last year we matched 4 of 10.  This year, we each chose completely separate posts from each other, so there is no overlap.  Here are my Top 10 posts for the year, in chronological order:
  • A Day of Celebrations (3/31/13): My grandparents mean so much to me.  I have learned so much from them and have so many great memories with them.   Re-reading this post always reminds me of how much I love them and how much of a model they are to me as individuals and as a couple.  I’m also very excited that they will be moving to Olathe next year, and I’m really looking forward to getting to spend more time with them.
  • Tiny Seeds (4/7/13): As a Christian and a parent, one of the most important goals in my life is to work with Meghan to raise our children to love God and to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  While it’s obviously very early in his life, it’s wonderful to see that he’s on the right track.
  • Aunt Josie's Wedding (5/11/13): I really like this post for a couple reasons.  First, it was my littlest sister’s wedding day.  She’s always been my little little sister (as opposed to Julie, the little sister) who is always someone I love hanging out with, but who is a student of some type.  It’s taken me some time to get used to her being a “real adult” who is graduated and has a job and is married.  But she is, and that’s great.  I also have always wondered who my sisters would marry, and would I like them.  I don’t have brothers, so I remember hoping that I would really like my brothers-in-law, whomever they would turn out to be.  I think I’ve pretty much struck it rich, because in addition to getting two awesome step brothers, both my sisters made great choices, and now I have Andrew and Kirk as brothers-in-law.  We all get along great, and I feel blessed that not only did I not get stuck with guys I don’t like, it was quite the opposite, and I actually really like Matt, David, Andrew, and Kirk as family and as friends.

    The second reason I like this post is because it reminds me of what a fun day that was.  Besides the joy and excitement of the wedding itself, our kids had a significant part in the wedding.  And during the reception, they became co-stars of the show.  Tiny Clara ran all over the place in her adorable little dress, and Joshua made everyone laugh by joining in with the adults during dances and for his crazy solo dance moves.
  • Father's Day: First with All Three (6/16/13): As I mentioned in the post, we never expected to have so many kids so soon.  It’s been sort of a blur to have another person added to our family each year for the past three years.  We think we’re done at least for awhile and maybe ever, so this Father’s Day was significant because it was the first one I've had with that mindset: that this is probably the full set of children that we’ll have.  If that changes at some point, great.  But if not, I’m very happy with how things are.  The first Father’s Day after we had Joshua was amazing, because it was my first ever Father’s Day as an actual father, and the second one was great because it was my first one to have a daughter, but this one was the first one with what is probably our full family, and that made it extra special.
  • Take Him Out to the Ball Game (7/2/13): In choosing my favorite posts, all of the date days were considerations, such as this one, this one, this one, and this one.  I love them all, because I really value having one-on-one time with a kid.  When we are all together as a family, such as on an average weeknight, there is usually so much going on that it’s hard to dedicate any significant amount of time to one particular kid.  The date days allow that to happen.  Next year we are adding Hannah to the mix, as she is old enough.

    But my favorite was the one in this post, because one of the things I’m most excited about as a father is to find passions and interests that I will share with a kid.  Maybe Joshua will love baseball.  Maybe Clara will love math and numbers and logic.  Maybe Hannah will love trivia and information and knowledge.  Who knows.  And maybe Joshua will grow bored with sports and not like baseball at all.  But so far, he has a pretty strong interest, so I’m hoping that sticks.  This date day was so fun, because we both had fun with each other but also in the venue, and it makes me really excited to think about what other things will be like that with him or Clara or Hannah as they grow up.
  • Meeting Benjamin (7/21/13):  I like this post because it is most representative of the addition of Benjamin to our lives.   In general, I’m not a “kid person”.  They’re fine, but you know how some people are just so happy to be around children?  That’s not me.  But my own kids, and my close friends’ kids (Hadley, Macyn, etc.), and other close family are exceptions, because I do have a bond with them and love them.  So I look forward to cultivating that with little Benjamin as he grows and I’m excited to be able to build a tight relationship with my little nephew.
  • Too Scared (8/16/13): I included this one in my favorites, not because of this specific incident, but because it reminds me of all the cute little phases that the kids go through.  Like the one in this post, sometimes they are hard to explain.  And some are positive, and some are negative.  Sometimes it’s a cute way of saying a certain word, and sometimes it’s a behavioral thing.  But, focusing on the positive ones, there are so many little ones that are so cute, and then one day the kid just stops doing it, and it’s gone forever.  One of the focuses of the blog in 2014 will be to do a better job of trying to capture some of these things as part of the blog to ensure they are not forgotten.
  • 10 Years (9/7/13): As Meghan noted in the post, sometimes it seems impossible that it’s been a decade that we've been married.  After all, aren't we just somewhat-recently-out-of-college young adults?  No, I guess we’re not anymore.  And then sometimes it seems like it’s easily been ten years, because it’s hard to remember us not being together.  Like any couple, there are times where it’s tough, but there have been so many fantastic, amazing, and wonderful times too.  Meghan and I have so much fun together, and are so happy even when it’s just us.  For some couples it seems that after they have children, they kind of lose their ability to operate as just a couple, but that’s not true for us at all.  Our relationship is just as strong as it’s always been, if not stronger, and we can have just as much fun on a dinner date out now as we did when we first got married.  I prayed to God many times growing up that He would provide me with the perfect wife for me, and I'm happy and blessed to have Meghan, because she’s the one God made for me, and I'm the one He made for her.
  • A Dads and Kids Gameday (11/30/13): Like most of my favorite posts this year, this actual event isn't specifically the reason I chose the post, but rather the larger idea it represents.  I was fortunate enough to gain a couple friends in high school and several friends in college who still live in the area.  I sometimes feel bad for people who have to move to new cities, because they have to start over with friends.  But most of my best friends in the world live within an hour of me, and I’m thankful for that.  We all knew each other as teenagers, and of course our lives were significantly different then compared to now.  But I love that even though so much has changed (we’re pretty much all married and have careers and children), our friendships have remained strong but have also matured and evolved to allow for events like the one in this post to happen.  We can hang out together and include our wives, or we can get together and include our kids.  I’m just very thankful I still have these friends and that we can still do so many things together. 

  • Disgusted by Dills (12/15/13): This post cracks me up because it’s just so Hannah.  Even though she’s our Little Miss Sunshine the vast majority of the time, the remainder of the time is spent scowling.  She doesn't have much in between.  There’s no real deeper meaning in this one.  I just like it because it makes me laugh (well, at least smirk) every time I look at her facial expressions here.

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