Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Cookie Delivery Service

This year for Christmas, Meghan decided to bake some cookies for the neighbors on our street.  She baked several different types and loaded them into boxes.  But she wanted me to deliver them.  I'm certainly not nearly as shy as I used to be, but in some ways I'm still the shy kid, as I was very much not looking forward to going door-to-door.  There's no reason I should be apprehensive, as everyone is friendly, and I'm delivering a box of cookies.  It's not like I'm dropping off subpoenas or trying to convert them to be Jehovah's Witnesses.  So it's sort of an unreasonable emotion, but I can't help it.  I was kinda hoping she'd forget, but last night when I got home I noticed the 12 boxes on our counter, and I knew I was on the hook.  So tonight I loaded up Joshua and Clara in the wagon as well as the 12 boxes.  We went to all the houses on our street, and only one person didn't answer the door.  I talked to everyone else, and it went totally fine, of course.  Hopefully that'll make me more comfortable doing it next year.


  1. I love that idea. And Meghan, I would have made Steve do the delivery too. ;)

  2. I feel the same way. We dropped chocolates and a card off at our neighbors houses last year and this year and it makes me nervous going up to their idea why since I am bringing them chocolate and they are nice.
